• I can't find the style I'm wanting on your site. Where do I go from here?

    While we try to keep our website up to date with all the products we have to offer, we don’t feature everything. There are various products available for specialty order. You can get an idea of such products by visiting some of our manufacturer’s websites, which display full catalogues of their respective materials. To learn more, talk with one of our salesmen.

  • I would like to make a return. What do I need to know?

    Contact your local office to arrange your return. Please note that returned brick must adhere to the conditions set forth in our Return Policy. Any and all specialty orders are non-returnable and non-refundable due to the nature of specialty orders.

  • How long will delivery take?

    Delivery is impacted by weather. If weather is clear, and the construction site is clear for delivery, your order will be added to our list of outgoing orders. Please note that we cannot deliver brick prior to payment. For more information, contact your local yard.

  • Can you help me match brick?

    We would love to help you match brick on an existing structure! Feel free to reach out to any of our salesmen by text or through email.

  • I live outside Oklahoma/Arkansas. Can I still buy brick from you?

    While we would love to serve every customer who comes to our door, this is typically a case by case basis matter. Our distributorships, as well as matters related to freight, may prevent us from processing an order from individuals outside of our radius. However, we are more than happy to check for you should you inquiry further.

  • Do you offer deals?

    Your best bet is to talk to one of our sales representatives. They will be able to address any possible deals we’re able to make here at Bishop Brick.

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